How to import a component inside another component in Vue.js


Learn how to import a Vue.js component inside another component.

Get filtered items in Vue.js/Vuex/ES6 using getters


In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to get filtered items from an array using store getters.

How to create an array of numbers in JavaScript


In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to generate an array of numbers in JavaScript in one line of code.

Binding HTML classes in Vue.js


Learn the basics of binding classes in Vue.js.

Generate an array of years in JavaScript


In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create a list or an array of years in JavaScript.

How to prevent multiple form submissions in Vue.js


The easiest way to prevent multiple form submissions in Vue.js is to use an HTML <button> disabled attribute to make a form button un-clickable.

How to dynamically create a drop-down list in Vue.js


In this tutorial you’ll learn how to create a custom drop-down list in Vue.js.

How to create tabs in Vue.js


A brief tutorial, which shows how to create tabs in Vue.js with Bootstrap (CSS only).

Road trip to Kastek gorge in Almaty Region, Kazakhstan


Last weekend my wife Amina and I had a day trip to a beautiful gorge near Almaty city.

My 7-day workout plan [for developers]


I’d like to share my workout routine with you, to show how I keep myself in shape with a desk-based job (I’m a front-end developer).