In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create and deploy your Firebase app to multiple environments.
Let’s consider this example, we’ve got a Vue.js app that is hosted on Firebase. We would like to separate the production version from the staging. We can do that in these 3 steps:
Create new Firebase projects
First of all, start a unique project for each environment e.g. projectname-production & projectname-staging.

Link your existing app with a Firebase projects
When you run firebase init
to initialise Firebase hosting you can select what project you want to deploy your app to.
$ firebase init
$ ? Which project do you want to add? (Use arrow keys)
> projectname-production
It will create a .firebaserc
config file and set your default project to projectname-production.
To link your existing app with another Firebase project use the following command:
$ firebase use --add
$ ? Which project do you want to add? (Use arrow keys)
> projectname-staging
? What alias do you want to use for this project? (e.g. staging) staging
Your .firebaserc file will now look like that:
"projects": {
"default": "projectname-production",
"staging": "projectname-staging"
Deploy to multiple Firebase projects
You can now switch your environments to deploy your app to another host/project:
$ firebase use default # sets environment to the default alias
$ firebase use staging # sets environment to the staging alias
Alternatively, you just want to deploy your latest build you can run a one-time command:
$ firebase deploy -P staging # deploy to staging alias
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Renat Galyamov
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PS: Make sure you check other Vue.js tutorials, e.g. How to trigger a mouse click in Vue.js, Detect mobile device in Vue.js.