Content type related post excerpt in WordPress

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In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to change post excerpt depending on content type. Make sure you also check how to change excerpt length in WordPress.

We’ll be using the excerpt_more filter. Let’s open the functions.php and replace the default filter.

add_filter('excerpt_more', 'new_excerpt_more');
function new_excerpt_more($more) {
  global $post;
  $current_post_type = get_post_type();
  if($current_post_type == 'case_study'):
    return '<a href="'. get_permalink($post->ID) . '"><i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-o-right"></i> Read the case study</a>';
  if($current_post_type == 'post'):
    return '<a href="'. get_permalink($post->ID) . '"><i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-o-right"></i> Read more</a>';

Hi, I'm Renat 👋


Now, if you show the post excerpt in the templates it will show different button text for different content types: case_study and post.

<?php the_excerpt(); ?>

If you find this post useful, please let me know in the comments below. 
Renat Galyamov

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PS: make sure you check other WordPress tutorials, e.g. create a new sidebar in WordPressload Google Fonts via functions.php in WordPress and download my plugin that improves your WordPress SEO & Performance.

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