My macOS list of applications

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A list of apps and tools I use on my Mac for coding, prototyping, photo and video editing, productivity, privacy and browsing.


Google Chrome

  • My main web browser. I use it with a bunch of extensions. In the past, I was using Firefox but switched to Chrome years ago. I love its developer’s console, which I can’t live without as a developer.


  • My second choice is Safari by Apple. Because it’s incredibly fast. It’s my main browser on iOS. I use it as a second browser on macOS when I need to have that extra window and Google Chrome incognito mode is already in use



  • I store my code here.
  • I used Bitbucket in the past but switched to Github after the Github event I attended in Amsterdam.

MAMPlocal PHP server

  • I use it mostly for WordPress projects. It’s synced across multiple devices using Dropbox so I can always have a backup of my all projects.

Terminal – terminal emulator by Apple

  • I’ve tried using iTerm2 but got back to the native macOS terminal. I use it every day, mostly as an integrated terminal in VS Code.

OhMyZshopen-source zsh framework

  • I use it in the terminal with a bunch of plugins, which improve productivity.

Sublime Text 3Code editor

  • Even though I switched to VS Code I still keep Sublime Text 3 in the dock. It’s extremely good at handling large files. But it’s not open-source.

VirtualBoxvirtualisation product for x86 hardware

  • I use it for running websites quickly using Vagrant in a sandboxed environment, mostly Ubuntu operating system.

VS Code – Code editor

  • This is my favourite code editor. I really like the built-in terminal, split screen view and extensions for almost every situation.
  • You can find a list of extensions I use here.


  • I use it from time to time to write a publish iOS apps to the App Store. I really like Swift, Apple’s own programming language. But Xcode is frustrating. It has a lot of UX problems and publishing an app can be a pain. 
  • I’m not even talking about sharing a code with other developers. 

Insomnia – REST client

  • Another great utility for testing API and making developer’s life easier.

Hi, I'm Renat 👋



Photoshop – photo, image, and design editing software.

  • My favourite photo editing app. I’ve been using it for over 15 years. It hasn’t changed much but that’s a good thing. Right?

Sketchdigital design toolkit

  • This is a good tool for making quick prototypes for your apps/websites, for drawing, exporting vector graphics and designing large projects.


Spotify – digital music service

  • A better version of Apple Music. I listen to a lot of music and podcasts. I can’t work in silence and prefer running with my headphones on. 
  • There’re a lot of podcasts on Spotify from business to tech and if you run a lot, you can learn something new while on a run.


Adobe Photoshop Lightroomphoto editing software

  • It is so easy to edit a bunch of DNG, RAW files and export them for resized and web-ready in Lightroom.

Adobe DNG Converterfree utility that converts files

  • I shoot photos in RAW and then export them to DNG. This free tool by Adobe just converts your RAW files to DNG, which you can use in Lightroom.


1PasswordPassword manager

  • Probably the best password manager. I started using it in 2014. I store all my passwords in this app.

NordVPNVPN service provider

  • I guess there’s no need to explain how important it’s to keep your data private. I never browse the web without VPN. NordVPN is my personal choice of VPN service provider, it works seamlessly on all of my devices and it’s user-friendly.


Dropbox – file hosting service

  • I keep some of my files there. I also use Dropbox to sync dev work across devices, see above.


  • It makes the color of computer’s display adapt to the time of day, warm at night and like sunlight during the day. Works seamlessly. 

Google Drive – file storage

  • I store some of my personal documents on Google Drive and most of my work documents here. The latest version (Google Drive File Stream) allows you to store files on Google Drive without taking space on your device. Magic.

GrammarlyFree writing assistant

  • Grammarly makes sure everything you type is clear, effective, and mistake-free. I’m on a free plan, which has some limitations. But it works well even on a free plan. 
  • Give it a try, especially if you’re not a native english speaker, like me.

Left – distractionless writing application

  • Does exactly what it says in a slogan. I use it when I need to write a new post for my blog.

Mail – email client

  • I know it is lame and cool guys check mail in a browser. But I haven’t found a better way to check multiple email accounts at the same time. Ping me if there’s a better way.

Slackcloud-based collaboration app

  • I use it at work and with clients. I’m also a member of other public channels e.g. tech startups, co-working spaces and others.


Final Cut Pro Xprofessional video editing application

  • The latest version of FCPX is really good. They’ve made it really fast even when editing 4k videos.
  • This is my favourite video editing app it’s a lot faster than Adobe Premiere Pro, which I also have on my laptop.
  • If you’ve switched to Adobe Premiere Pro from FCPX in the last couple of years, you should switch back. Trust me. It’s a lot better now 🙂


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